
Restorative Dentistry
Brentwood, TN

Honesty. Quality. High-Level Care.

Even a subtle change in your smile helps you to project an image of self-confidence and high personal esteem. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in your appearance.

Today’s advanced dental treatments and materials can give you a healthier, more complete smile that can last you a lifetime. Your Rocklin, CA dentist, Dr. Slate, can help revitalize and maintain your teeth and gums, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted.

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Tooth extraction is typically a very fast process—we will use anesthesia to ensure you’re comfortable. The most critical part of the process is recovery. We need to make sure we control the bleeding and encourage a proper healing process immediately following the tooth extraction.
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At Hallmark Dental, we stand with unwavering pride as your top destination for revolutionary dental implants, offering you the finest choice in smile transformation. If you're seeking exceptional dental implants in Brentwood, TN, you've come to the right place.
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Dental crowns and bridges are effective restorations when teeth are lost or severely damaged. Our crowns and bridges look natural and offer much-needed assistance with chewing and speaking. We use high-quality materials in our crowns and bridges to ensure the restorations last as long as possible and provide exceptional performance.
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Dentures are used when a person is missing all or most of their natural teeth. This could be the result of an injury or declining oral health. Dentures are a great way to still enjoy the benefits that come with healthy, natural teeth where chewing is a natural and fluid motion without pain or complication.
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A tooth’s inner structure consists of a soft, delicate material called the pulp. This material is normally protected by the tough enamel material that surrounds it. However, a potentially serious infection can occur if harmful bacteria are able to access the inside pulp.
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At Hallmark Dental, we integrate the innovative treatment of ARESTIN® alongside scaling and root planing (SRP) right from the onset of periodontal disease, aiming to enhance the reduction of pocket depth for improved oral health outcomes.
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Bid farewell to chips and cracks with our range of Restorative Dentistry solutions

Are chips, cracks, or worn teeth hiding your smile's radiance? At Hallmark Dental, we recognize the impact of these imperfections on both your confidence and oral health. That's why we provide comprehensive restorative dental care in Brentwood, TN, dedicated to rejuvenating the beauty, function, and resilience of your smile. Discover how our restorative dentistry services at Hallmark Dental can revive your smile's brilliance:

What's Restorative Dental Care?

Restorative dentistry includes procedures to repair, rebuild, and replace damaged or missing teeth, aiming to restore your smile's appearance and beauty. Our restorative dentist in Brentwood, TN can tailor a treatment plan to rejuvenate your smile.

Restorative Dentistry Services We Provide

In our Brentwood, TN dental practice, we aim for excellence. We recognize the significance of missing or damaged teeth and their impact on both your appearance and smile. But fear not! Here are the services we provide to swiftly restore your smile:

Tooth Extractions

While our primary aim is to preserve teeth whenever feasible, occasionally, a tooth may be too damaged or infected, necessitating removal. Extractions are a routine procedure, typically causing minimal discomfort.

Dental Implants

Implants serve as artificial tooth roots, surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. They offer a sturdy base for crowns and enhance chewing functionality.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Crowns are protective caps positioned over damaged teeth, restoring both strength and appearance. Bridges, on the other hand, replace one or more missing teeth by affixing crowns to adjacent teeth for support.


Removable substitutes for all teeth, either on the upper, lower jaw, or both, are available. Depending on your requirements, we offer full or partial dentures.

Root Canal Treatment

This process involves eliminating infected pulp from within a tooth, preserving the tooth itself. Following root canal treatment, Arestin may be employed as a medicament.


Arestin is an antibiotic treatment we utilize, specially formulated to combat gum disease (periodontitis) at the site of infection.

Issues Addressed by Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry at Hallmark Dental is dedicated to rejuvenating both the beauty and function of your smile. Our Brentwood, TN, based restorative dentists provide a comprehensive array of treatments to tackle various dental issues. Let's delve into some common conditions effectively addressed by restorative dentistry:

Cavities and Tooth Decay: Restorative dentistry often tackles cavities, which are holes in teeth caused by plaque buildup and acid erosion. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing further damage.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth: While minor chips or cracks may not immediately cause discomfort, they can detract from your smile's appearance and weaken tooth structure. If left untreated, these cracks can worsen, leading to heightened sensitivity and potential infection.

Broken Teeth: Whether due to injury, trauma, or severe decay, a broken tooth can be concerning. Restorative dentistry offers solutions to restore both the tooth and your smile, tailored to the extent of the breakage.

Worn-Down Teeth: Over time, teeth can wear down due to grinding, clenching, or exposure to acidic substances. This can affect your bite, chewing ability, and expose sensitive dentin, resulting in discomfort.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Restorative Dentist Brentwood Today!

If you're seeking a skilled restorative dentist in Brentwood who can deliver exceptional care and stunning outcomes, look no further than our dental practice. We are committed to assisting you in attaining a healthy, functional, and confident smile. Book your appointment today and embark on the journey toward a brighter, happier smile!

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