
Dental Veneers
Lewisburg, TN

Restore Cracked Teeth With Dental Veneers In Lewisburg, TN

Cracked teeth can be a source of both cosmetic concern and potential oral health problems. Here at Hallmark Dental Lewisburg, we understand how a chipped or cracked tooth can impact your confidence and smile. That's why we offer dental veneers, a remarkable solution to restore the beauty, function, and strength of your teeth. Our dental team is always at your service to make sure that you get the best dental care services under one roof.

What Are Dental Veneers?

At our dental office in Lewisburg, TN, we understand the transformative power of a confident smile. Cracked, chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth can hold you back from expressing yourself fully. That's where dental veneers come in! These thin shells of custom-made porcelain or composite resin are bonded to the front surface of your teeth, creating a flawlessly beautiful and natural-looking smile.

What Are Dental Veneers Made Of?

Dental veneers are typically made from two main materials: porcelain and composite resin. Porcelain veneers are the most common type of veneer. They are made from a strong, durable material that is resistant to staining and chipping. With proper care, porcelain veneers can last for 10 to 20 years. Composite resin veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers, but they are less durable. They may also be more likely to stain. Composite resin veneers typically last for 5 to 7 years.

Conditions That Dental Veneers Can Fix

Want to transform your smile but need clarification on whether dental veneers are the answer? At Hallmark Dental Lewisburg, we know that a dazzling smile can boost your confidence and make a lasting impression. Our dental veneers in Lewisburg, TN, are a fantastic cosmetic dentistry option, but they can also address a surprising number of dental concerns. Here are some of the dental conditions that dental veneers can fix:

Cracked, Chipped, or Worn Teeth:  Life happens, and sometimes teeth take the brunt of it. Chips, cracks, and general wear can leave your smile looking less than perfect. Veneers act like tiny shields, bonded to the front surface of your teeth, concealing imperfections and creating a flawless, uniform appearance.

Discolored or Stained Teeth:  Stubborn stains from coffee, wine, or medication can leave teeth looking dull or discolored. Our dental veneers in Lewisburg, TN, come in a variety of shades, allowing our team at Hallmark Dental Lewisburg to perfectly match your existing teeth or create a brighter, whiter smile – all while masking discoloration.

Minor Misalignment:  For teeth with mild misalignment that don't require braces, veneers can offer a cosmetic solution. By strategically shaping and placing veneers, we can create the illusion of straighter teeth, enhancing your smile's overall appearance.Unevenly Spaced Teeth:  Small gaps or uneven spacing between teeth can be a source of self-consciousness. Veneers can be custom-designed to fill these gaps and create a balanced, symmetrical smile.

What To Expect From Your Veneer Consultation In Lewisburg, TN?

We believe in a patient-centered approach to cosmetic dentistry. Here's what you can expect during your veneer journey:

  • Consultation: Our dentists will discuss your smile goals and assess your teeth to determine if veneers are the right solution for you. They will explain the procedure in detail, answer any questions you may have, and help you choose the most suitable veneer material and shade to match your existing teeth.
  • Preparation: A minimal amount of enamel is removed from the front surface of your teeth to ensure a perfect fit for the veneers.
  • Temporary Veneers: We'll provide you with temporary veneers while your custom-made veneers are being crafted in the dental lab.

Veneer Placement: Your permanent veneers will be carefully bonded to your teeth using a strong dental adhesive. We’ll meticulously check the fit, color, and overall aesthetics before finalizing the placement.

Schedule An Appointment Today

So, are you ready to discover your dream smile? Don't let imperfections hold you back from a radiant smile! Contact Hallmark Dental Lewisburg today and schedule a consultation to explore the transformative power of dental veneers.