
Restorative Dentistry
Lewisburg, TN

Say Goodbye To Chips & Cracks With Our Restorative Dentistry Services

Does your smile hide behind chips, cracks, or worn teeth? At Hallmark Dental Lewisburg, we understand how these imperfections can affect your confidence and even your oral health. That's why we offer comprehensive restorative dental care in Lewisburg, TN, to restore the beauty, function, and strength of your smile. Let's explore how restorative dentistry at Hallmark Dental Lewisburg can bring back your smile's brilliance:

What Is Restorative Dental Care?

Restorative dentistry encompasses a variety of procedures designed to repair, rebuild, and replace damaged or missing teeth. It's all about restoring the appearance and beauty of your smile. Our restorative dentist, Lewisburg, can create a personalized treatment plan to get your smile back on track.

Restorative Dental Care We Offer

At our dental office in Lewisburg, TN, we strive to provide nothing but the best. We understand the impact of missing or damaged teeth and how it affects not only your appearance but also your smile. But don't worry! Here are the services we offer to make sure your smile is restored in no time:

Tooth Extractions

While the goal is to save teeth whenever possible, sometimes a tooth is too damaged or infected and needs to be removed. Extractions are a routine procedure with minimal discomfort.

Dental Implants

Implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth. They provide a strong foundation for crowns and improve chewing function.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Crowns are caps placed over a damaged tooth to restore strength and appearance. Bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring crowns to surrounding teeth.


Removable replacements for all teeth on either the upper or lower jaw or both. Full or partial dentures are available depending on your needs.

Root Canal Treatment

This procedure removes infected pulp from the inside of a tooth, saving the tooth itself. Arestin may be used as a medicament after root canal treatment.


Arestin is an antibiotic treatment we use that's specifically designed to fight gum disease (periodontitis) at the source of the infection.

Conditions That Restorative Dentistry Can Fix

Restorative dentistry at Hallmark Dental Lewisburg can bring back the beauty and functionality of your smile. Our Lewisburg restorative dentists offer a comprehensive suite of treatments to address a wide range of dental concerns. Let's explore some conditions that restorative dentistry can effectively fix:

Cavities and Tooth Decay: This is the most common dental problem addressed by restorative dentistry. Cavities are holes in your teeth caused by plaque buildup and acid erosion. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent further damage.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth: Minor chips or cracks may not cause immediate pain, but they can be unsightly and weaken the tooth structure. Left untreated, these cracks can worsen, leading to increased sensitivity and potential infection.

Broken Teeth: Whether due to injury, trauma, or severe decay, a broken tooth can be a worrying experience. Depending on the extent of the breakage, restorative dentistry offers solutions to restore the tooth and your smile.

Worn-Down Teeth: Over time, teeth can become worn down due to grinding, clenching, or acidic foods and drinks. This can not only affect your bite and chewing ability but also expose sensitive dentin, leading to discomfort.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Restorative Dentist Lewisburg Today!

If you're looking for a restorative dentist Lewisburg who can provide exceptional care and beautiful results, visit our dental office. We are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy, functional, and confident smile. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile!

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